
Regex: concepts

: @denis_mongin

get the data

download.file(url = 
  destfile = "regex_demo.zip")
unzip(zipfile = "regex_demo.zip")

What is regex

  • Regex stands for regular expression
  • it is a character code that is processed by a regex engine (a bit language dependent) to match sequences of characters in a character string of interest
  • almost any programming languages has a regex engine.
  • Unix user: grep is to find regular expression!
  • Used in various function to find, extract or replace part of a character string
  • Needed is you work with data. Really. Try it.


Let’s consider the string

test_string <- "r3%gne8§//g74mpe21??x0"

I want to extract any lower case letter followed by a number.

str_extract_all(test_string,"[a-z](?=[0-9])") %>%
  unlist() %>%
  paste(collapse = "")
## [1] "regex"

  • Here the regex is [a-z](?=[0-9])
  • It means any lower case letter followed by a number.
  • In my string, these are r, e, g, e and x
  • I paste together just to show off

How does it works

  • a regex is a pattern build with blocks.
  • You need to learn few blocks to build yours after.
  • for example, mine : [a-z](?=[0-9])
    • [a-z] is any lower case letter, once
    • (?=something) means followed by something
    • [0-9] any number, once
  • It is rather easy: few tens of blocks, and 3-5 functions, and you can do a lot

In R

simplest example

  • The simplest block: N will match N.
  • Nope will match N followed by o, followed by p, followed by e

Let’s describe the functions we will use:


  • In R, I will use stringr (Hadley Wickham again)
  • I will indicate basics functions too, but I will not describe them, for simplicity sake

First thing:

the function are vectorized

Meaning it applies on vectors.

  • I propose 4 functions
  • you will do so much already
  • in stringr, the functions work: function(string vector,pattern)
  • pattern is a character

So you can use %>% between them

str_detect (grepl in base R)

outputs a vector of boolean to say it found the patternor not:

str_detect(c("Nope","plouf","Nein","no"), # the vector of string
           "N") # the pattern

your turn: Ex0

subset places with a "M" inside

df <- data.frame(place = c("Munich","Madrid","Valencia","Estepona"),
                 x = sample(letters,4))
##      place x
## 1   Munich v
## 2   Madrid x
## 3 Valencia u
## 4 Estepona m

##    place x
## 1 Munich v
## 2 Madrid x


df %>%
##    place x
## 1 Munich v
## 2 Madrid x


Extract: extract the pattern form string

str_extract(c("Nope","plouf","Nein","no"), # vector of string
           "N")                            # the pattern
## [1] "N" NA  "N" NA


Replace the matched pattern by something

str_replace(c("Nope","plouf","Nein","no"), # vector of string
           "N",                            # pattern
           "P")                            # replacement
## [1] "Pope"  "plouf" "Pein"  "no"

_all variant

  • these function output the first match
  • The three function have a _all variant, where they output a list of all match

str_extract(c("nope","plouf","nein","no"), # vector of string
## [1] "n" NA  "n" "n"
str_extract_all(c("nope","plouf","nein","no"), # vector of string
## [[1]]
## [1] "n"
## [[2]]
## character(0)
## [[3]]
## [1] "n" "n"
## [[4]]
## [1] "n"

Regex Buiding block

character class

## [1] "No" "No" "no"
  • Here [Nn] is a character class.
  • It will match exactly one of the enclosed characters.

The usefull ones:

  • [0-9] any digit. You can also use \d
  • [a-z] any lower case letter.
  • [a-dn-z]: any lower case between a and d, and between n and z
  • [ ]: white space, same as \s
  • [A-z]: any upper case and lower case letter + underscore
  • . : any character

number of time

Regex will stop at the first match

str_extract("Hello my name is denis",
## [1] "H"

You can specify the number of time your block repeat in your pattern.

  • *: any number of time
  • +: one or more time
  • {n}: n time
  • {n,}: n time or more
  • {n,m}: between n and m time (included)

str_extract_all("Hello my name is denis",
## [[1]]
## [1] "Hello" "my"    "name"  "is"    "denis"
str_extract_all("Hello my name is denis",
## [[1]]
## [1] "Hello" "name"  "denis"

your turn: Ex1

remove all extra spaces, using str_replace_all

text <- "Hello    my   name is  denis"


str_replace_all("Hello    my   name is  denis",
            "[ ]{1,}"," ")
## [1] "Hello my name is denis"

not working:

str_replace_all("Hello    my   name is  denis",
            "[ ]","")
## [1] "Hellomynameisdenis"

an other one: Ex2

## [1] "c7bc070823007e32bd88f6c2d621b262" "d85e0fcf1a7e9e1c3c441c0777326775"
## [3] "90415327c38f5e80e31e875052f9bbaa"

your turn: Ex 3

Calculate the mean of ages !

df <- read.csv2("./data/example2.csv")
##             age
## 1          12,2
## 2          14,5
## 3          16,9
## 4 18,3 not sure
## 5          10,9
## 6            12

tmp <- df$age %>%
## [1] "12,2" "14,5" "16,9" "18,3" "10,9" "12"
tmp <- tmp  %>%
## [1] "12.2" "14.5" "16.9" "18.3" "10.9" "12"
tmp %>% as.numeric() %>% mean()
## [1] 14.13333

Your turn Ex 4: clean the tel !

Here I want the tel with 10 digits, just numbers, no country indication

tellist <- c(
  "06 32 66 34 55",
  "+34 6 22 56 38 99",
  "0034 6 22.56 38 99",
  "0689335588 (telfono del papa)"

Good start

tmp <- tellist %>%
  str_replace_all("[ A-z.()+]+","")
## [1] "0632663455"    "34622563899"   "0034622563899" "0689335588"


tellist %>%
## [[1]]
## [1] "06" "32" "66" "34" "55"
## [[2]]
## [1] "34" "6"  "22" "56" "38" "99"
## [[3]]
## [1] "0034" "6"    "22"   "56"   "38"   "99"  
## [[4]]
## [1] "0689335588"

tellist %>%
  str_extract_all("[0-9]+") %>%
  purrr::map(function(x) paste0(x,collapse = ""))%>%
## [1] "0632663455"    "34622563899"   "0034622563899" "0689335588"

Now I want to remove the country indication and replace it with the 0:

 tmp %>%
## [1] "063266055"    "0622563899"   "000622563899" "0689335588"


some additional things

  • $ is for the end of the string
  • ^ is for the beginning of the string
  • \b is for word boundary:
  • | is for or: pattern1|pattern2 match pattern1 or pattern 2


 tmp %>%
## [1] "0632663455" "0622563899" "0622563899" "0689335588"

Or we could also:

 tmp %>%
## [1] "0632663455" "0622563899" "0622563899" "0689335588"

Your turn: Ex 5

Remove the space at the beginning or at the end! Use str_replace_all

text <- c(" A banana ", "A banana","An orange   ", " A second orange")

  • at least one space in the beginning: ^[ ]+
  • at least one space at the end: [ ]+$
  • a replace with nothing to remove
                "^[ ]+|[ ]+$",
## [1] "A banana"        "A banana"        "An orange"       "A second orange"

Your turn: Ex 6

paste(keywords,collapse  = "|")
## [1] "banana|apple|grape"
                ,paste(keywords,collapse  = "|"))
## [[1]]
## [1] "banana"
## [[2]]
## [1] "apple"
## [[3]]
## [1] "banana" "apple" 
## [[4]]
## [1] "grape"
## [[5]]
## [1] "apple"
## [[6]]
## character(0)

A bit of wrangling:

df %>%
mutate(found = 
                         paste(keywords,collapse  = "|")) %>%
  purrr::map(function(x) paste(x,collapse = ", ")) %>%
##   id                   full_text         found
## 1  1               I like banana        banana
## 2  2              I ate an apple         apple
## 3  4 I prefer bananas and apples banana, apple
## 4  5                      grapes         grape
## 5  6        My applepie is tasty         apple
## 6  7                  Fruitsalad

grouping, escaping and lookahead


  • you want to group pattern to indicate the quantity:
## [1] "go"
## [1] "gogogogogo"

  • You can group to catch something:
  • each group () can be refered with \\n n the number of the group:
text <- "3 squared is 9, 4 squared is 16, 6 squared is 36"
                "([0-9])( squared)",
## [1] "3x3 is 9, 4x4 is 16, 6x6 is 36"


  • super usefull.
  • str_match gives a matrix with a column per group catched
  • try to calculate the area of each room (result with data frame): Ex 7
room_info <- c(
  "Lounge (3.66m x 3.66m (12'0\" x 12'0\"))",
  "Dining Kitchen (4.39m x 3.66m (14'5 x 12'0\"))",
  "Bedroom One (3.73m x 3.73m (12'3\" x 12'3\"))",
  "Bedroom Two (3.53m x 1.98m (11'7\" x 6'6\"))",
  "Shower Room (2.06m x 1.52m (6'9\" x 5'0\"))",
  "Occasional Loft Room (4.04m x 3.78m (13'3\" x 12'5\"))",
  "En-Suite Bathroom (3.18m x 1.98m (10'5\" x 6'6\"))"

room_info %>%
  str_match("([A-z ]+)\\(([0-9.]+)m x ([0-9.]+)m")
##      [,1]                                  [,2]                    [,3]  
## [1,] "Lounge (3.66m x 3.66m"               "Lounge "               "3.66"
## [2,] "Dining Kitchen (4.39m x 3.66m"       "Dining Kitchen "       "4.39"
## [3,] "Bedroom One (3.73m x 3.73m"          "Bedroom One "          "3.73"
## [4,] "Bedroom Two (3.53m x 1.98m"          "Bedroom Two "          "3.53"
## [5,] "Shower Room (2.06m x 1.52m"          "Shower Room "          "2.06"
## [6,] "Occasional Loft Room (4.04m x 3.78m" "Occasional Loft Room " "4.04"
## [7,] "Suite Bathroom (3.18m x 1.98m"       "Suite Bathroom "       "3.18"
##      [,4]  
## [1,] "3.66"
## [2,] "3.66"
## [3,] "3.73"
## [4,] "1.98"
## [5,] "1.52"
## [6,] "3.78"
## [7,] "1.98"

room_info %>%
  str_match("([A-z ]+)\\(([0-9.]+)m x ([0-9.]+)m")%>% .[,2:4] %>%
  mutate(area = as.numeric(V2)*as.numeric(V3))
## # A tibble: 7 x 4
##   V1                      V2    V3     area
##   <chr>                   <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 "Lounge "               3.66  3.66  13.4 
## 2 "Dining Kitchen "       4.39  3.66  16.1 
## 3 "Bedroom One "          3.73  3.73  13.9 
## 4 "Bedroom Two "          3.53  1.98   6.99
## 5 "Shower Room "          2.06  1.52   3.13
## 6 "Occasional Loft Room " 4.04  3.78  15.3 
## 7 "Suite Bathroom "       3.18  1.98   6.30

you turn: Ex 8

An other one:

dist <- c("Benalmadena Torremolinos: 15 min\n Malaga Fuengirola: 45 min\n Malaga Sevilla: 130 min\n Malaga Grenada: 90 min")

Make the df with provenance, destination, and time of travel. Use str_split first, and then str_match

dist %>%
  unlist() %>%
  str_match("([A-z]+)[ ]+([A-z]+):[ ]+([0-9]+)")
##      [,1]                           [,2]          [,3]           [,4] 
## [1,] "Benalmadena Torremolinos: 15" "Benalmadena" "Torremolinos" "15" 
## [2,] "Malaga Fuengirola: 45"        "Malaga"      "Fuengirola"   "45" 
## [3,] "Malaga Sevilla: 130"          "Malaga"      "Sevilla"      "130"
## [4,] "Malaga Grenada: 90"           "Malaga"      "Grenada"      "90"


  • Sure you see the pb here: if you want to match parenthesis (go), how do you do ?

⟶ escape with \.

  • Any special character must be escaped (like ., \, (, ) , \s, \d, etc)

! you must escape \ too !

text <- "go(catchme)gogogoooo"
## [1] "catchme"
## [1] "(catchme)"
## [1] "(catchme)"
## [1] "(catchme)"

look around

If you want something followed by or preceed by:

  • (?=something): followed by something
  • (?!something): not followed by something
  • (?<=something): preceed by something
  • (?<!something): not preceed by something

your turn: Ex 9

Find the sentence with a weight (use str_detect and a positive lookahead)

text <- c("Anja weight 65 kg, is 172 cm tall and live 32 km from berlin",
          "Carolina is 132 cm tall, and live 54 km from Munich",
          "Pepa is 52 kg, and live 1 km from Malaga",
          "Julia does not care about kg")

  • I want several numbers: [0-9]+, or \\d+
  • I want kg after with a space: (?= kg)
str_detect(text,"[0-9]+(?= kg)")

Ex 10

find all sequences of length 6, finishing with ttc and followed by aa.

gene <- c("cgtatatcaagaagcattcacttaccatgacacagcttcagatttcattattgctgacag

So 6 nuleotides, ending with ttc:

  • 3 unknown: [ctga]{3}
  • then ttc
  • and followed by aa: (?=aa)
## [[1]]
## [1] "catttc" "tatttc" "gatttc" "gtcttc" "ccgttc" "ctattc"


  • you can use function in str_replace !
"5 pounds of silver, 7 pounds of gold, 7 kg of metal" %>%
str_replace_all("[0-9]+(?= pounds)",
                  as.numeric(x)*0.454 %>%
                ) %>%
## [1] "2.25 kg of silver, 3.15 kg of gold, 7 kg of metal"

you turn: Ex 11

Put the upper case at the beggining of each sentence. The function is toupper

text <- c("no upper case. never, and it is bad. you should put upper case letters at the begining of each sentence. try it, see if you master regex now")

  • Find the first Letter of each sentence!
  • First Letter is following a . and a space
  • So a letter ([a-z]) preceed by a dot and a space (?<=\\. )
  • Can be the first letter too: ^[a-z]
  • set to upper case function: toupper
str_replace_all(text,"(?<=\\. )[a-z]|^[a-z]",toupper)
## [1] "No upper case. Never, and it is bad. You should put upper case letters at the begining of each sentence. Try it, see if you master regex now"



: @denis_mongin


##Ex 12 calculate delay in seconds from the column Time (format is mm:ss)

df <- read.csv("./data/exemple3.csv",sep = ";")
df$Time %>%
  str_match("([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})") %>%
  .[,2:3] %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  mutate_all(as.numeric) %>%
  mutate(delay = V2 + V1*60)
## # A tibble: 115 x 3
##       V1    V2 delay
##    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1     0     9     9
##  2     0    12    12
##  3     0    15    15
##  4     0    19    19
##  5     0    24    24
##  6     0    28    28
##  7     0    32    32
##  8     0    35    35
##  9     0    38    38
## 10     0    40    40
## # ... with 105 more rows

Ex 13

Put the dose in per day. d is per d, w is per week, m is per month

df <- read.csv("./data/exemple4.csv",sep = ";")
corresp = c(d = 1, w = 7, m = 30)
df$dose %>%
  str_match("([0-9]+) ([dwm])") %>%
  .[,2:3] %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  mutate(perday = corresp[V2]) %>%
  mutate(doseperday = as.numeric(V1)/perday)
## # A tibble: 9 x 4
##   V1    V2    perday doseperday
##   <chr> <chr>  <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1 1     d          1      1    
## 2 2     d          1      2    
## 3 3     w          7      0.429
## 4 3     w          7      0.429
## 5 2     w          7      0.286
## 6 10    m         30      0.333
## 7 12    m         30      0.4  
## 8 2     d          1      2    
## 9 15    d          1     15