
About me

  • physicist : big lasers
  • working with data in medical field since 3 years
  • live in Malaga (suegra Malaguena)
  • collaborate with physicians and physicist in uma
  • do a lot of

: @denis_mongin

Why I ended up working with Covid

  • work at : University Geneva Hospitals
  • Geneva was not prepared when COVID19 came (as the others)
  • I have been part of a small war team setting up all the COVID patient follow-up system and official epidemiological follow-up
  • now partly employed by Geneva state

What I will show

  • An overview of the whole thing
    • redcap and its interest with
    • the shiny dashboard
  • A technical example of problems we faced, and how R helped us solve the issue


Data processing

  • redcap for the central data base and user interface for physician, nurses and call
  • data process for lab results, Hospitalisations, deaths etc
  • and for the official stats, maps and graphs

⟶ 6000 lines of and no life in 4 months



  • redcap is a data collection tool developped at Vanderbilt University: https://projectredcap.org/
  • It is free for institutions
  • Allows multiple users to:
    • fill forms
    • send and save questionnaires by mail
    • import export data via csv or API
    • create reports

token = readChar("token.txt",file.info("token.txt")$size) 
uri = readChar("uri.txt",file.info("uri.txt")$size) 

dump <- redcap_read(batch_size = 1000,
                        redcap_uri = uri,
                        verbose = F,
                        token = token)

##   record_id     name surname gusta quetegusta___1 quetegusta___2 quetegusta___3
## 1         1   sergio   smith     0              0              0              0
## 2         2 Gonzales    pepe     1              1              1              1
## 3         3  sanchez    pepe     0              0              0              0
##       fecha1 rhispano_complete
## 1 2020-09-17                 2
## 2 2020-09-17                 2
## 3 2020-09-18                 2


test on Rstudio

plouf <- data.frame(record_id = "10",
                    name = "mongin",
                    surname = "denis",
                    gusta = "1",
                    quetegusta___1 = "1",
                    quetegusta___2 = "1",
                    quetegusta___3 = "0",
                    fecha1 = "2020-09-18",
                    rhispano_complete = "2")
redcap_write(token = token,
             redcap_uri = uri,
             ds_to_write = plouf)


Decision board

  • in shiny, using shinydashboard
  • ggplot2 for the plots
  • possibility to inscpect graphs in plotly, to export each graph data and image
  • leaflet map

Data processing: example

GIGO: garbage in garbage out

* main problem in the beginning: people get several tests

  • How to avoid duplicates, and keep history of tests ?

⟶ detect duplicated entries

For the geeky part

I use data.table(the best R package ever for data management).

df$a <- 1
df$a[df$b == 0] <- 1
df %>%
  mutate(c = a - mean(a))
dt[, a := 1]
dt[b == 0, a := 1]
dt[,c:= a - mean(a),by = b]

Identify persons in a data frame ?

First step: normalize names

df$name %>%
tolower(.) %>%
  chartr("âäëéèêóôöüûçîï", "aaeeeeooouucii", .)%>%
  gsub("\\bla\\b|\\bde\\b|\\bda\\b|\\bdu\\b|\\bl'\\b", "", .) %>%
  gsub("[ ]+|[-]|[,]", "", .)
## [1] "mongin" "mongin" "smith"  "cruz"   "cruz"   "smith"  "mongin" "smith" 
## [9] "smith"

make a function

clean_name <- function(name) {
  name_clean <- name %>%
    tolower(.) %>%
    chartr("âäëéèêóôöüûçîï", "aaeeeeooouucii", .) %>%
    gsub("\\bla\\b|\\bde\\b|\\bda\\b|\\bdu\\b|\\bl'\\b", "", .) %>%
    gsub("[ ]+|[-]|[,]", "", .)
## [1] "denis"       "denisdiego"  "paul"        "sofia"       "sophiaelena"
## [6] "paul"        "denis"       "paul"        "etienne"

First try

df[,name_clean := clean_name(name)]
df[,surname_clean := clean_name(surname)]

persons: index for each common name, surname and birthdate:

df[,person := .GRP,by = .(name_clean,surname_clean,birthdate)]

similarity between two strings

fuzzy matching

  • longest common subsequence
  • express similarity in percentage of the smallest of the two strings
comp_names <- function(a, b) {
  a <- clean_name(a) # cleaning"
  b <- clean_name(b)
  av <- strsplit(a, '')[[1]] # splitting all characters
  bv <- strsplit(b, '')[[1]] 
  match_str <- paste(qualV::LCS(av, bv)$LCS, collapse='')
  pc <- round(nchar(match_str)/(min(nchar(a), nchar(b)))*100)


comp_names("denis","denis diego")
## [1] 100

100% similar

## [1] 25

25% similar: there is a common n over 5 letters

Now distance

The distance is just 100 - similarity. Here the matrix:

comp_names_matrix <- function(vec) {
  mat <- sapply(vec, function(x) {
    100 - as.numeric(Vectorize(comp_names)(x, vec))
  rownames(mat) <- vec

##               denis denis diego paul sofia sophia, Elèna Paul dénis Paul 
## denis             0           0  100    80            60  100     0   100
## denis diego       0           0  100    60            70  100     0   100
## paul            100         100    0    75            25    0   100     0
## sofia            80          60   75     0            20   75    80    75
## sophia, Elèna    60          70   25    20             0   25    60    25
## Paul            100         100    0    75            25    0   100     0
## dénis             0           0  100    80            60  100     0   100
## Paul            100         100    0    75            25    0   100     0
## Etienne          60          57  100    80            57  100    60   100
##               Etienne
## denis              60
## denis diego        57
## paul              100
## sofia              80
## sophia, Elèna      57
## Paul              100
## dénis              60
## Paul              100
## Etienne             0

clustering, to identify persons which are the same:

df$surname %>%
      comp_names_matrix(.) %>%
      stats::as.dist(.) %>%
      stats::hclust(.) %>% plot 

I cut for a defined threshold, to define an index for same identified name:

compare_tree <- function(vec, thres = 20) {
  output <- vec %>%
    comp_names_matrix(.) %>%
    stats::as.dist(.) %>%
    stats::hclust(.) %>%  # cluster
    stats::cutree(h = thres)}else{output <- as.integer(1)}
##         denis   denis diego          paul         sofia sophia, Elèna 
##             1             1             2             3             3 
##          Paul         dénis         Paul        Etienne 
##             2             1             2             4

Perfect !!

Do that on name, surname and birthdate:

df[,name_ind := compare_tree(name,30)]
df[,surname_ind := compare_tree(surname,30)]
df[,birthdate_ind := compare_tree(birthdate,30)]

define an index for the common detected name, surname and birthdate:

df[,person := .GRP,by = .(birthdate_ind,surname_ind,name_ind)]

Now on the whole database

my computer:

I have 60’000 patients, so 3.6 billion of distances


⟶ restrict degress of freedom!

index of similar birthdate and same name and surname

df[,idx1 := paste0("1_",.GRP,"_",compare_tree(birthdate,20)),
   by = .(name_clean,surname_clean)]

index of similar surname and same name and birthdate

df[,idx2 := paste0("2_",.GRP,"_",compare_tree(surname,30)),
   by = .(name_clean,birthdate)]

index of similar name and same surname and birthdate

df[,idx3 := paste0("3_",.GRP,"_",compare_tree(name,30)),
   by = .(surname_clean,birthdate)]

How to reunite the 3 index into one ?

define the graph:

#find linked clusters
g <- graph_from_data_frame(DT, directed=FALSE)
## IGRAPH 6db954e UN-- 20 27 -- 
## + attr: name (v/c), rn (e/n)
## + edges from 6db954e (vertex names):
##  [1] 1_1_1--2_1_1 1_2_1--2_1_1 1_3_1--2_2_1 1_4_1--2_3_1 1_5_1--2_3_1
##  [6] 1_3_1--2_4_1 1_1_1--2_5_1 1_3_1--2_2_1 1_6_1--2_2_2 1_1_1--3_1_1
## [11] 1_2_1--3_2_1 1_3_1--3_3_1 1_4_1--3_4_1 1_5_1--3_5_1 1_3_1--3_6_1
## [16] 1_1_1--3_7_1 1_3_1--3_3_1 1_6_1--3_8_1 2_1_1--3_1_1 2_1_1--3_2_1
## [21] 2_2_1--3_3_1 2_3_1--3_4_1 2_3_1--3_5_1 2_4_1--3_6_1 2_5_1--3_7_1
## [26] 2_2_1--3_3_1 2_2_2--3_8_1

obtain cluster, i.e. persons!

cl <- clusters(g)$membership
DT[, g := cl[s]]
#look up grouping for each vertex
df[unique(DT, by="rn"), on=.(rn), person := g]

everything in a function

Few minutes with more than 60000 persons to look for

##          name       surname  birthdate person
## 1:     Mongin         denis 29-08-1986      1
## 2:     mongin   denis diego 29-08-1986      1
## 3:      smith          paul 02-06-1945      2
## 4: De la cruz         sofia 02-03-2000      3
## 5: de-la-cruz sophia, Elèna 02-03-2000      3
## 6:      smith          Paul 20-06-1945      2
## 7:     mongin         dénis 29-07-1986      1
## 8:      SMITH         Paul  02-06-1945      2
## 9:      smith       Etienne 02-06-1945      4

How to find someone now

I want to find peoples in a data frame (eg lab results, or hospitalisations)

##      name surname  birthdate
## 1: mongin   denis 29-09-1986

I create variable to indicate line and provenance of each data frame:

  tofind[,rn_df := .I]
  df[,rn_df := .I]
  tofind[,dfframe := "tosearch"]
  df[,dfframe := "database"]

  • bind it with the other df
dftot <- rbind(tofind,df[,.(name,surname,birthdate,rn_df,dfframe)])
##          name       surname  birthdate rn_df  dfframe
## 1:     mongin         denis 29-09-1986     1 tosearch
## 2:     Mongin         denis 29-08-1986     1 database
## 3:     mongin   denis diego 29-08-1986     2 database
## 4:      smith          paul 02-06-1945     3 database
## 5: De la cruz         sofia 02-03-2000     4 database
## 6: de-la-cruz sophia, Elèna 02-03-2000     5 database
  • find duplicates !
res <- detect_duplicate(dftot)

We can get the line correspondance between the two data frames:

dftot[,expand.grid(rn_tofind = rn_df[dfframe == "tosearch"],
                       rn_tosearch = rn_df[dfframe == "database"]),
                     by = person]
##    person rn_tofind rn_tosearch
## 1:      1         1           1
## 2:      1         1           2
## 3:      1         1           7

Masterpiece of COVID response of Geneva !

  • Used to update infos about all patients (tests, hospitalisations etc)
  • necessary because lot of different source of data, with different capture systems
  • human errors too

The end

  • is a central part of COVID response in Geneva
  • advantage of rapidity and flexibilty
  • hard to automatize properly
  • Soon public shiny (2 weeks)

Questions ?